Sunday, January 14, 2018

Justice Department Pushes Back Against Special Counsel to Investigate Clintons

Integrity Raises Its Non-Partisan Head

In order to deflect the investigation into Trumpie the Republicans want the Justice Dept. to go after Hillary and Bill and the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department is saying it is politics and they don't do politics.

Peter R. Zeidenberg, who once served as deputy special counsel in the probe of former White House aide Lewis “Scooter’’ Libby, said “the best-case scenario” is that the attorney general is trying simply to mollify an angry president and doesn’t really plan to name a special counsel.
If one is appointed to probe Clinton matters, “I think the vast majority of people at DOJ would be completely disgusted and demoralized by it,’’ said Zeidenberg, referring to the Justice Department. “They don’t like feeling that they are political tools to be used by the president.’’
A federal law enforcement official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to comment freely, said the move is particularly frustrating because many of the subjects Sessions says could fall under the purview of a special counsel were previously investigated by the FBI or are under investigation by the Justice Department’s inspector general.
This is a turning point in American history. If Trumpster gets his way the U. S. will take a sharp turn towards being just another corrupt republic with a tin horn dictator at the helm.

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