Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rick Perry Announces Death of Keynesian Economics (b. 1936 – d. 2011); Demise Follows That of Climate Science and Biology

Sudden Death Attributed to Ignorance by Conservatives – Film at 11

Pallbearers at the funeral of Keynesian Economics

Near the end of the first September Republican Presidential debate, Texas Gov. Rick Perry startled the crowd with this announcement. 

and the other thing this president's done, he has proven for once and for all that government spending will not create one job. Keynesian policy and Keynesian theory is now done.

The audience was stunned into silence.  No one even knew that Keynesian economics was sick, in its last public appearance in the form of the Stimulus it had stopped the U. S. economic decline into recession.  Even though it was over 70 years old, it looked robust for its age with every sign that the Keynesian theory had gotten stronger and more credible in recent years.

The cause of the death of Keynesian economics was the same agent that had earlier caused the demise of Climate Science and the science of Biology that was based on Darwin’s theory of evolution.  These three areas of knowledge resulted in policy prescriptions that were at odds with Conservative policy proposals and with theology.  Thus their existence was severely threatened.

“When any scientific theory results in government programs with which we disagree” said a prominent Conservative, “it can only mean that the science behind that theory is incorrect.  No actual science would ever contradict our pre-determined beliefs on politics and religion, regardless of any evidence and data and logic that supports that science.”

A room full of all the jobs created by government
Don't see Mr. Perry, do you?

When asked to explain that if “government spending will not create one job” then how had Mr. Perry been employed for several decades a Perry spokesman said that the sugggestion that Mr. Perry had been employed by government

 “was a liberal inspired myth circulated by a biased press corps that hates Conservatives and refuses to recognize the obvious, that government cannot create a single job and that Mr. Perry like most office holders are really employed and paid for by the private sector.”

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