Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sarah Palin, Time Magazine and a Politician Is NOT Charged with Perjury

A Slow Saturday in Politics and Economics

Sarah Palin announced this past week that she has the Fire in the Belly to run for President.  Now if she really did have the Fire in the Belly she would not have quit as Governor of Alaska after 2+ years in office in order to cash in on her new found fame. 

Time Magazine wonders if Tim Pawlenty, former Governor of Minnesota is too nice to be a successful candidate for the Republican nomination.  Time Magazine has apparently never met Mr. Pawlenty.

The New York Times Reports that former Governor Patterson will not face perjury charges.  You have to wonder how far political ethics has fallen when the fact that a politician will not face charges is a news story.

Brad DeLong reports on the hypocrisy of politicians who want a weak U. S. dollar against the Chinese currency, but a strong U. S. dollar otherwise.  Even if you get past the inconsistency of this position, the profound lack of understanding it displays about the understanding of basic economics by elected officials is just staggering.

Finally, Paul Krugman says he really should read the Onion more often. The Dismal Political Economist thinks everyone should read the Onion more often.  Some statements are so true that there is no logical argument against them.    

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